2021/1 | Can service dogs really accompany their owners almost “everywhere”? Results of an interview-based survey carried out with the representatives of public service providers

Service dog owners face the fact that – despite the existing legislative provisions – they are denied the use of some (public) service due to the presence of their specially trained four-legged companions. The study – based on the lessons learned from the broader spectrum studies carried out among service dog owners – presents 15... Read more
DOI: 10.31287/FT.hu.2021.1.13

2018/2 | Connecting the worlds of silence and sound?

A paradigm shift in the social integration of hearing impaired people taking advantage of service dogs. Following a short insight into the general psycho social situation of hearing impaired people, the article introduces new social attitude shaping tools, based upon our research results and experiences: 1. awareness-raising programs involving service dogs held in kindergartens, schools... Read more
DOI: 10.31287/FT.hu.2018.2.3