Plaszkó-Pető Zsolt:

Sign language is my life

2024/1 | #Deaf identity #Deaf pride #oralism #sign-language | DOI: 10.31287/

I am Zsolt Plaszkó-Pető. Deaf man. My wife is a hearing person, my children are CODA children (hearing children of deaf parents). I am an outsider in the hearing world. A sufferer of oralism. A man who found his Deaf identity by adulthood. And since then, I have tried to present Deaf culture and the importance of sign language on all platforms. I am not a hearing person. I am not a professional in Hungarian language. I am neither an interpreter, nor a teacher, nor a historian, nor a linguist. Nor am I an expert in child development. I have no special knowledge or expertise. I do, however, have a wealth of life experience and experience gained from reading foreign literature. I could not have made this journey without the help and inspiration of countless people. Above all, without deaf people.