2024/2 | „… I try to focus on the gender discrimination aspect, but among disabled people that’s not the main problem” — Barriers and supporting factors in the participation of students with disabilities in higher education

The article examines visible and invisible structural barriers and biases impeding access to higher education, offering examples from Hungary and beyond. The article showcases practice-oriented, reflective approaches and a case study examining the underlying patterns and discourses that maintain inequalities in higher education. Considerations and findings inform various stakeholders and individuals of systemic barriers and... Read more
DOI: 10.31287/FT.en.2024.2.5

2023/1 | Debates Unmasked A polemic essay on our scientific debates in Disability Studies – typology, framings and their role in constituting knowledge.

This polemic essay is a contribution to the international literature on scientific debates. It interprets and typifies the nature of scientific debates, analyses their functions and places them in new conceptual contexts. Its general conclusions about the scientific debates are embedded in the results of internal debates in the field of Disability Studies and Critical... Read more
DOI: 10.31287/FT.hu.2023.1.2

2019/2 | A világban való közös létünk – és a támogatott döntéshozatal kihívása. Két kiegészítő összefüggés a fogyatékosságtudományi elemzések perspektívájához

Részlet a tanulmányból: “Előzetes. A támogatott döntéshozatal fogalma a gondnokság alá helyezés, és ennek folytán a saját döntésektől való megfosztás alternatívájaként a 2006-ban, az Egyesült Nemzetek Szervezete által készített és a Közgyűlés által elfogadott Egyezmény a fogyatékossággal élő személyek jogairól – nemzetközileg bevett rövidítése: CRPD – nyomán került a nemzetközi gyakorlat és a tudományos vizsgálódás … Read more

DOI: 10.31287/FT.hu.2019.2.11

2018/1 | We Already Know How the ‘Sunny Side’ Works, Let Us Now Try to understand the Effects of the ‘Dark Side’ on the Lives of People with Disabilities (Summary of the Research Plan)

"1. Introduction Younger members of our research group – PhD-students and postdocs – do have a significant cumulative publication list. All of them are members of Disability Studies – DS – (Post)Doctoral Workshop (DSDW) that was founded approx. 5 years ago. The PI started his research on the field of DS exactly 30 years ago.... Read more
DOI: 10.31287/FT.en.2018.1.2

2018/1 | Introduction to the Special Issue of the Periodical Hungarian Journal of Disability Studies & Special Education (Fogyatékosság és Társadalom)

"The first Disability Studies research was carried out in Hungary in the course of 1984, in the Cooperative Research Institute – lead by Director Antal Gyenes (member of the Imre Nagy government of 1956). The values it was based on would have qualified it as Disability Studies research. However, not even the researcher called it... Read more
DOI: 10.31287/FT.en.2018.1.1