2021/1 | The assessment of the receptive language skills of 1-8 class primary school students with intellectual disabilities, using the TROG-H test

Good communication skills play key role in the active social life participation of people with intellectual disabili- ties. National education standards (guidelines, curriculum etc.) related to special needs education place em- phasis on developing the language competencies of students with intellectual disabilities. On the other hand, based on the social model of disability, in the... Read more
DOI: 10.31287/FT.hu.2021.1.3

2020/1 | Less is sometimes more

The present study is based on the dissertation entitled “Less is sometimes more” submitted to the 34th OTDK. The project won 1st place at the local round held in Szeged at the University of Szeged Juhász Gyula Teacher Training Faculty. and 2nd place at the national round held in Budapest, at the Faculty of Pedagogy... Read more
DOI: 10.31287/FT.hu.2020.1.7