Span Stefania, Clementi Patrizia, Arbulla Deborah : Accessible museum. Easy Language and Augmentative and Alternative Communication for science education

In addition to physical barriers, many people also face so-called cultural barriers every day: these are most evident in the area of access to information. By providing the right tools, these barriers can also be overcome in order to talk about real inclusion and real participation in society. The project Cooperativa Sociale Trieste Integrazione a... Read more
DOI: 10.31287/

Szarapka Dóra : Easy-to-read news and the creation of them

The current study gives a review of international examples related to easy-to-read news writing, and a description of my innovation activity, which was implemented in Vojvodina. The concept and practice of easy-to read communication has been present in foreign literature and mass communication for several decades. After reviewing the rights related to mass media the... Read more
DOI: 10.31287/