Zajácz Dávid Pál : On the easy-to-understand contents of websites of public educational institutions providing services for children and students with intellectual disabilities

The purpose of this paper is to draw the attention of the children and students with intellectual disabilities to the importance of equal access to information on the websites of public education institutions providing services. I examined the websites of randomly selected skills development schools and Unified Special Needs Education Methodological Institutions in the spring... Read more
DOI: 10.31287/

Sándor Anikó, Cserti-Szauer Csilla, Antal Zsuzsanna, Katona Vanda, Kunt Zsuzsanna : Pillanatgondolatok a COVID-19 járványról

Részlet a tanulmányból: “1. Szupranacionális kapcsolódás. Az ENSZ májusi szakpolitikai összefoglalója (2020) szerint a COVID-19 globális válsága elmélyíti a meglévő egyenlőtlenségeket, felfedi a kirekesztés mértékét, és kiemeli, hogy a fogyatékossággal élő emberek önrendelkező életének elősegítése, befogadásuk támogatása elengedhetetlen a járvány idején is. A világ különböző országaiban élő egymilliárd fogyatékos ember a társadalom egyik leginkább kirekesztett … Read more

DOI: 10.31287/

Durkó Dóra, Sándor Anikó : „It’s very good, that they have each other” – Persons with high support needs and their friendships

The goal of this paper is to present, from a Disability Studies perspective, how friendship can be interpreted in the lives of people with high support needs. By exploring both their opportunities and their difficulties, the study is looking for solutions to the problems of building friendships. The main research question is, how friendship can... Read more
DOI: 10.31287/

Bábszki Renáta, Helle Maximiliam, Hlavati Milla, Kardon Annamária, Lakatos Róbert, Liptai Dávid, Matina Erik Imre, Molnár Luca, Pallos Ágoston, Tamás Daniella : Inclusive Poem about Disability

The poem (from which a video clip was also made) was written as a joint assignment for the course entitled Historical Aspects of Disability and Special Needs Education of the students of the ELTE Bárczi Gusztáv Faculty of Special Needs Education and participatory partners cooperating with them.
DOI: 10.31287/

Nyitrai Imre : A key to independent living – The place and role of supported living in the Hungarian social services system

The regulation of supported living (SL) has opened up completely new avenues in the Hungarian social services system. New principles and values emerged along with their operation and associated services. As a new form of service model, arising from international obligations as well as Hungarian strategic needs, its introduction also brought novel and innovative thinking... Read more
DOI: 10.31287/

Hegedűs Hanga : Less is sometimes more

The present study is based on the dissertation entitled “Less is sometimes more” submitted to the 34th OTDK. The project won 1st place at the local round held in Szeged at the University of Szeged Juhász Gyula Teacher Training Faculty. and 2nd place at the national round held in Budapest, at the Faculty of Pedagogy... Read more
DOI: 10.31287/