2024/2 | „… I try to focus on the gender discrimination aspect, but among disabled people that’s not the main problem” — Barriers and supporting factors in the participation of students with disabilities in higher education

The article examines visible and invisible structural barriers and biases impeding access to higher education, offering examples from Hungary and beyond. The article showcases practice-oriented, reflective approaches and a case study examining the underlying patterns and discourses that maintain inequalities in higher education. Considerations and findings inform various stakeholders and individuals of systemic barriers and... Read more
DOI: 10.31287/FT.en.2024.2.5

2024/2 | Participatory innovation and lifelong guidance

One of the most important achievements of the human rights model is that people with disabilities might have an ex-post opinion about decisions on their lives, but can also create the framework, the specific content according to their own preferences. Participatory innovation is one of the available pathways in this development; a process where disabled... Read more
DOI: 10.31287/FT.hu.2024.2.2

2024/1 | Exploring the general trends in disability research: concepts and methods

Disability Studies constitute a matrix of theories, pedagogies, and practices. Over the years, Disability Studies have undergone a series of adjustments in terms of definition, research output, methods, concepts, and theories. How disability is conceptualized not only differs across countries but also within a country with evolving legal, political, and social discourses. In this article,... Read more
DOI: 10.31287/FT.en.2024.1.2

2024/1 | Editorial Preface

Our current issue focuses on one of the most relevant concepts in Disability Studies. Independent Living has been the focus of researchers in the field for decades. By sharing their theoretical and empirical findings, as well as their own life experiences, our authors contribute to the mapping of current trends in Independent Living.
DOI: 10.31287/FT.hu.2024.1.1

2023/2 | Participatory Innovation and Diverse Users Results of a Targeted Literature Review

The aim of this paper is to explore the basic concepts and various conceptualisations of participatory innovation processes. This analysis is part of a multi-stage research project within the disciplinary framework of Disability Studies and Innovation Management. Through targeted and integrative literature analysis, I examined how the literature defines participatory innovation and what benefits and... Read more
DOI: 10.31287/FT.en.2023.2.3

2023/1 | It will be easier together. Considerations for reviving our scientific dialogues.

The aim of this paper is to examine the history, current situation and possible directions of the Hungarian scientific discourse, by combining the perspectives of special education and Disability Studies in a selfcritical and self-reflective way. Without the pretense of completeness, it revives typical scientific questions that arose at conferences and in articles during the... Read more
DOI: 10.31287/FT.hu.2023.1.3

2023/1 | Editorial Preface

Sokszínű lapszámunkat két olyan személynek ajánljuk, akik nélkül a fogyatékos emberek mozgalma és a fogyatékosságtudomány nem lenne olyan, amilyennek ma ismerjük. Hale Zukas (1943-2022) és Judith „Judy” Heumann (1947-2023) A 21. század általunk megélt évtizedeiben meglehetősen összetett feladat a tudományos tartalomszolgáltatás. Egyrészt amiatt, mert erős a verseny a sokféle akadémiai lap között, másrészt pedig azért, … Read more

DOI: 10.31287/FT.hu.2023.1.1

2022/1 | “The most important thing is not to be afraid of us”: The life story of Sándor Harmati

Sándor Harmati (1957–2020) is one of Hungary’s best-known self-advocates, a participant and speaker at numerous Hungarian and international conferences. He was committed to abolishing guardianship and building a Supported Decision Making system in order to enhance the self-determination of disabled people. In June 2019, we had the honor of being the guests of Sándor, listening... Read more
DOI: 10.31287/FT.hu.2022.1.10

2022/1 | Szerkesztői előszó

Részlet a tanulmányból: “Szeretettel osztjuk meg az Olvasóval a Fogyatékosság és Társadalom című folyóirat 2022. évi első lapszámát, amelyet Gombos Gábor kollégánk és barátunk emlékének ajánlunk. Gábor a folyóirat alapító szerkesztőbizottságának tagja, nemzetközileg elismert emberi jogi szakértő volt. A hazai fogyatékosságtudomány és a pszichiátriai túlélők mozgalmának egyik úttörőjétől búcsúzunk.”

DOI: 10.31287/FT.hu.2022.1.1

2020/2 | Narratives of Struggle: Lifelong Guidance and Future Planning Alternatives for People with Disabilities in Hungary.

Our participatory research entitled ‘Carry on! The development of lifelong guidance services supporting lifelong learning through the training of professionals in the field of special needs education and employment’ maps the experiences of disabled students in the Hungarian school system and focused on their networks. We have integrated the results of our research organically into... Read more
DOI: 10.31287/FT.en.2020.2.6

2020/1 | „It’s very good, that they have each other” – Persons with high support needs and their friendships

The goal of this paper is to present, from a Disability Studies perspective, how friendship can be interpreted in the lives of people with high support needs. By exploring both their opportunities and their difficulties, the study is looking for solutions to the problems of building friendships. The main research question is, how friendship can... Read more
DOI: 10.31287/FT.hu.2020.1.2

2020/1 | Pillanatgondolatok a COVID-19 járványról

Részlet a tanulmányból: “1. Szupranacionális kapcsolódás. Az ENSZ májusi szakpolitikai összefoglalója (2020) szerint a COVID-19 globális válsága elmélyíti a meglévő egyenlőtlenségeket, felfedi a kirekesztés mértékét, és kiemeli, hogy a fogyatékossággal élő emberek önrendelkező életének elősegítése, befogadásuk támogatása elengedhetetlen a járvány idején is. A világ különböző országaiban élő egymilliárd fogyatékos ember a társadalom egyik leginkább kirekesztett … Read more

DOI: 10.31287/FT.hu.2020.1.1

2019/2 | The therapeutic jurisprudence as a paradigm that supports the implementation of supported decision making: thoughts about the fruitful co-operations between different disciplines

Our empirical research has shown that in the framework of the current regulation of legal capacity, it is not possible to support adults with disabilities in accordance with international professional guidelines in community-based settings. In this paper, we use the desk research method to provide an analysis of the relevant Hungarian, German, and English literature.... Read more
DOI: 10.31287/FT.hu.2019.2.3

2019/1 | „A különleges benne számomra az, hogy mennyi minden van amögött, hogy ő velünk van” – Az „Oldenburgi Baba” élete és halála

Részlet a tanulmányból: “Preambulum. 2006-ban Zászkaliczky Pétertől hallottam először Tim történetéről. A Gyógypedagógiai preambulum című, elsőéves gyógypedagógus hallgatók számára kötelező előadáson döbbentem rá arra, hogy a fogyatékossággal élő személyeket érő elnyomás és diszkrimináció nem a megszületéssel, hanem annál sokkal korábban kezdődik. Ez a gondolat jelentős hatással volt később az elméleti és gyakorlati szakmai munkámra egyaránt.”

DOI: 10.31287/FT.hu.2019.1.10

2019/1 | Characteristics of supported living in light of participative research

Our study is a participatory research carried out in cooperation between disabled and nondisabled people, based on the theoretical context of Disability Studies, the process of deinstitutionalization and the provision of community-based services. Research explores how people with intellectual disabilities and their supporters are experiencing the process of deinstitutionalization and supported living as a new... Read more
DOI: 10.31287/FT.hu.2019.1.5

2018/1 | Experiences of an Innovative and Inclusive Curriculum Development in Higher Education

In this paper, experiences of a three-year training development project, realised in the Path of Deinstitutionalization – Urgent Moves programme, are presented. The course titled ‘Theory and Practice of Supported Living’ is the outcome of the development, which includes many innovative elements. From these, we highlight the diverse cooperation with national and international higher education... Read more
DOI: 10.31287/FT.en.2018.1.7