2023/2 | Instead of an editorial preface – Linking cultural anthropology to the phenomenon and experience of disability

The paper provides an overview of some of the basic connections between cultural anthropology and disability. It aims to critically reflect on the need to consciously zoom in, examine and rethink our perceived thought structures and patterns of action. With this introduction, Disability and Society wishes to honour the scientific legacy of a researcher and... Read more
DOI: 10.31287/FT.hu.2023.2.1

2021/2 | A Forum Theatre-based Research with Youths with Multiple Disadvantages

Our research project gives an account of the functioning of forum theatre and its intra- and intersubjective level dynamic processes within the framework of a qualitative arts-based participative action research. During the intervention, information has been gathered on the tools of forum theatre that improve self-efficacy to highlight the techniques of participation in the creative... Read more
DOI: 10.31287/FT.en.2021.2.6

2021/2 | Personal Assistance in the Context of Disability Studies and Cultural Anthropology

This article presents a concise summary of a section of a doctoral dissertation, which is a postmodern, critical, and reflective ethnographic work, positioned on the crossing point of Cultural Anthropology and Disability Studies. It discusses the connections of the two interrelated disciplines, introduces the cultural biographical qualitative research method in action, and the complex experiences... Read more
DOI: 10.31287/FT.en.2021.2.3

2020/1 | Pillanatgondolatok a COVID-19 járványról

Részlet a tanulmányból: “1. Szupranacionális kapcsolódás. Az ENSZ májusi szakpolitikai összefoglalója (2020) szerint a COVID-19 globális válsága elmélyíti a meglévő egyenlőtlenségeket, felfedi a kirekesztés mértékét, és kiemeli, hogy a fogyatékossággal élő emberek önrendelkező életének elősegítése, befogadásuk támogatása elengedhetetlen a járvány idején is. A világ különböző országaiban élő egymilliárd fogyatékos ember a társadalom egyik leginkább kirekesztett … Read more

DOI: 10.31287/FT.hu.2020.1.1